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Monday, October 8, 2007

what to think??

I don't know what to think now. I keep hearing that hypothyroid shouldn't impact on chances of conception if your cycle is normal...which mine is.

I need to stop reading and trust my instinct, right??

1 comment:

starrhillgirl said...

Ok, comment # 3.....
I always feel like any cycle when I don't insem is a huge waste, so I can imagine how hard this is. You've got the regular cycles and the sperm - ugh. I honestly don't know what I'd do. I am sort of a fan of instinct, but also of reason. Hell, I think I might go for it if I were you.

On the brighter side, a good friend of mine had thyriod issues (apparently they are common among women in their 20's and 30's) and after 3 months on the meds (pure Western, no help from diet or TCM) she conceived her 2nd child.

Umm.. I guess all these million comments are my way of saying thanks for your comment to me :)