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Saturday, October 6, 2007


Ok. Not irrational and emotional anymore and decisions have been made.

1.) I am going to take the western meds. Everything I read points to them being ok in the short term. One naturopath even says that if you are ttc you needn't give it a second thought.

2.) We're not going to inseminate this month. There are several reasons. The chances of getting pregnant are so teeny. And, if pregnant, the chances of miscarriage are high. Why put myself through unnecessary stress when stress is one of the biggest triggers of Hashimoto's flare ups? We also considered our wonderful donor in this decision too - we already feel we burden him enough and we'd feel disrespectful of him if we were to inseminate with little to no chance of pregnancy. We don't want to wear out our welcome.

3.) I am going to be much more pragmatic about this whole affair. I cannot afford the stress. From now on, I'm taking all the steps I need to in order to achieve maximum health and fertility.

4.) Ducks, who is plagued by PCOS and endo, and I are going gluten free and are detoxing from dairy for the next 4-8 weeks (we'll see how well we do - no yoghurt and no cheese sounds very hard!!). The gluten free thing will be permanent. It's something we both knew we should have done long before this thyroid thing.

Everything is going to be great!


We just saw Irina Palm at the cinema. Maryanne Faithfull was incredibly convincing as a frumpy, middle-aged woman. I was shocked. T'was a good film but has put me off our plan to watch Shortbus tonight. I've done my dash with penis centred films today!


Anonymous said...

Hey there. I'm glad to read of you feeling more upbeat and in fighting spirit to tackle this thyroid thing. You certainly sound like you've got the determination to do whatever is in your power, even if it does mean no cheese (gasp!) Good luck with the diet changes and I hope you start to see some improvements straight away.

Barb said...

That sounds like a great plan!! We're doing the same.. get healthy, THEN worry about trying for baby. I hope your meds are good for you. I'll update on what my clinical endo suggests when I go on the 18th. She's highly respected, so we'll see if she has any insight on this whole thyroid/ttc thing and what therapies I should be using. In the meantime, hang in there! :)