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Thursday, October 11, 2007


We're doing ok. We're now four days into gluten and dairy free and we've managed to stick pretty close to the rules. I had a minor meltdown last night so Ducks went to the supermarket and picked up a gluten free chocolate cake mix. It cheated a little bit as it had butter in it, but I can live with that. Anyway, it wasn't the yummiest thing I've ever eaten but it sure beats the gluten free bread we've been tolerating. Thank the stars that dark chocolate is still on the list of ok food. I simply wouldn't survive without it.

Meanwhile, I've started the thyroxine (which is the Aust equivalent of Synthroid) and am on a tiny dose but I swear it's making me itchier than I've ever been. Is that weird?

1 comment:

Barb said...

Maybe you should ask your doc about that. I know some people have weird reactions to some of the thyroid drugs. Also.. you can have reactions to generic brands that you won't to the name brand. So if it's not a name brand, you may want to check that out. My mom does HORRIBLY on the generic version of synthroid. Hopefully it's not related! Keep us posted! :)