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Monday, October 22, 2007


I'm feeling loads better, thanks mostly to having had a lovely weekend, hanging out with Ducks and spending some low-key time with friends.

I never did make it to the Doctor, rather, I let myself get sucked into cyber world and deciphered that what I was experiencing, was indeed, a thyroid dump. Of course, this could be entirely inaccurate but after a stack of research, I've really come to understand this thyroid madness A LOT better and I'm confident that I'm on track to getting on top of it. It certainly is interesting to note that it's not uncommon for me to have 4 or 5 day periods where I feel generally drained and shitty, physically and emotionally - that there's a reason for it, is somehow vindicating...that I'm on track to managing it, is very exciting.

On Saturday, there happened to be a gluten-free food expo on here so we braved the serious crowds - paid our $15 each (!!!!) and were promptly disappointed. The most exciting new gluten free product we came across was lollies (or candy, or sweets for you international folk) - soft, chewy ones - they were truly exciting for 10 minutes or so, but sooo not worth $30 worth of admission fees. We realise now that we live in the BEST serviced area of this city for healthy living and whole food shops - we've actually discovered all the decent gluten free alternatives in our local organic shops already! I guess, if you lived in the suburbs though, that expo would have seemed like a gift from heaven. Meanwhile, I still can't find a decent loaf of gluten free bread!

Anyway - I'm really hoping for something interesting to blog about soon - or at least looking forward to realigning from thyroid neurosis to TTC neurosis. Fingers crossed I can do that in November!

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