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Saturday, November 24, 2007


You can imagine what's going on in my head now that it's been more than 24 hours since the cramps and spotting came and went...and still no period. I don't want to be having these thoughts. It's 14dpo. But maybe it's only 13dpo. I did seem to have EWCM for a really long time this month - I certainly still had it on the day after I thought that I'd ovulated. And the acupuncture I had would have assisted implantation....

This is so not fun. I'm sure I will have streaming blood before the day is out.

The upside is that John Howard is leaving today! WooHoo. And, if I get my period, I will soooo be having a glass of wine or 3 to celebrate the mans demise. And we're going to see the Women's Circus tonight. Life may be a little torturous right now, but it really ain't all that bad.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't. I know it will be negative and then I'll feel stupid. My heart knows I'm not pregnant, my head wishes it were different.

Anonymous said...

Period or no, I admire your spirit. Having been through a "will she, won't she" last month, I get the no pee sticks thing. Stay strong.

Barb said...

The waiting and hoping and second guessing TRULY sucks.

Glad your politics went the way you wanted though! :)