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Monday, November 26, 2007

New beginnings

Ducks has just left for work. Today, she's handing in her 4 weeks notice. I wrote her a great resignation letter last night. She won't be returning to that workplace after Christmas. Aside from having to put up with some of the most power hungry bosses in the world, Ducks has realised that working in a small studio environment (she's a graphic designer) is not for her. Before she took this job she was making reasonable money doing freelance work and she was really happy. So, unless an AMAZING dream job comes up she's going back to freelance and she's going to work HARD at building up a great business and generating a solid income. It's a risky decision considering that a baby is on the near horizon but she was so miserable - no money or job security is worth that. And since she made the decision, she's a new person. She's so much more available and so much more excited about babymaking. I'm really happy for her and for us.

And I have my interview for naturopathy today. And we have a new government. It really is the dawning of a new day here at camp plump!

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