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Sunday, November 18, 2007

still doing ok

I've made it to 8dpo without having too much nut-casery. I've had an uber stressful week at work culminating in our AGM and annual lunch/celebration day for our members yesterday . Thank the stars that's over now.

Anyway, the upside of the stressful week is that I've been relatively distracted from pregnancy obsession....

....humour me, nonetheless, about signs that I could possibly be pregnant
1.) Perfectly fresh chicken smells rotten to me - this usually happens to me a few days before AF is due - never usually 10 days before.

2.) I am exhausted to the point of not being able to function properly. I cannot tell you how much I have forgotten this week...and yesterday I smashed one of our big rice jars AND 2 cups, all in separate events. This exhaustion comes after 2 or 3 weeks of feeling the best I have in a LONG time.

3.) My boobs were incredibly painful for 5 minutes a couple of days ago. Pain to the point of distraction.

Anyway - I just thought I'd get this out there so that I could let it go and avoid the temptation of obsessing. I'm not really hung up on these imagined symptoms, honestly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hoping very hard they are not imaginary symptoms!