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Saturday, September 29, 2007

shopping bag

Completely exhausted, desperate for some time together and feeling quite like we'd been hit by a truck, Ducks and I last night agreed that we hadn't done such a good job at life this week. Both of us had very busy work weeks which, coupled with the annual spring social surge (you know the time of year when people stop hibernating and suddenly you have something on almost every night?), lurking colds and a nasty incident at work for Ducks, resulted in us generally not coping too well with the little things. The chaotic state of our house was an early clue that things weren't going so well but what really tipped us off was the fact that we had fast food for dinner twice this week! Twice! There have been entire years that we haven't had fast food twice. Naughty us!

We spent yesterday evening chatting about ways to make things better and agreed that a big cook up was in order for this weekend, as was a Saturday afternoon nap and plenty of hanging out together.

This morning, not quite so tired and feeling positive about getting back on track, we buzzed around the house getting ready for a big market trip. On our way out the door, Ducks ventured into the corner of the living room where all our canvas shopping bags had been dumped the weekend before. Imagine the hilarity when she made the gruesome discovery of a bag, still full of last weeks vegetables - shriveled, unloved and (worst of all) unmissed!!! Yep, we really didn't do too well at life this week.

And in TTC news. Our donor is back from his trip next week and I'm currently on CD3. 10 more days until insemination!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yuck - what a nasty surprise in that shopping bag. Mind you, it could have been worse - it could have been the dairy products!