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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

learning to be a better friend...

My dear friend W and her partner M and on the same TTC road as us. Last Tuesday W got a very disappointing BFN and left me a message telling me so. I didn't return her call until yesterday. Bad friend. See - she's the one with all the front. She gives over the impression that this TTC thing isn't nearly as torturous for her as it is for me. I should know better. She is really upset and she's starting to panic. How do I best serve her as a friend? At what point is blind reassurance not enough? I don't think she needs to panic just yet. She's only had a few tries scattered over the last 12 months but in her mind, it's been 12 months and she's 'nearly 35' (actually, she's 33). What to do? What to say?

And a quick shout out to another dear friend J. Arsonists set her new home on fire a couple of weeks ago ( eek! ). I'm so sorry for her and her lovely man D. It was their first home. They had only taken possession a few weeks earlier. And, the poor things spent a few days being the prime suspects! Imagine that??
Fortunately, it looks like insurance will cover the rebuilding (and hence the renovation they couldn't yet afford). Fingers crossed for a speedy phoenix rising from the ashes.

From now on, I'm all about checking in with friends regularly and returning calls on the day they come in...

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