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Monday, August 20, 2007


I've realise that I have to keep busy if I want to glide through this 2ww with my sanity. I've got books galore and am lapping up all kinds of pregnancy and parenting books - This week, I highly recommend Breeder - edited by the HipMama crew. A wonderful read that works hard to challenge the assumptions of hetero middle class babymaking habits. I was particularly inspired by Ariel Gore's comment in the introduction where she speaks of having children while, rather than instead of, pursuing our other dreams. This really resonated with Ducks and I as we have felt judged by some of our peer group for wanting kids now - before we've achieved middle class comfort (what is that? $150,000 a year salary and a mortgage to match?). The thing is, we live in this big city with big property prices and a high cost of living. If we were to buy a house, we wouldn't be able to do all the other things that we love to do. Things that we believe make us much richer and will make our kid much richer than owning a house. There's lots of things we want our kid to experience and learn from us - managing big debt and big stress isn't one of them. We're not ruling out property buying forever, just for now. Maybe, after we've travelled A LOT more and got Ducks set up in her career, we'll come back to it - but right now, we're not interested in being ruled by a mortgage. Of course, there are other assumptions to challenge with this too - like babies correlating with the end of the world or the end of ourselves or something...but that's something to ponder another day.

I digress. Apologies. What I actually came here to say is that knitting is on my list of things to do for distraction. I have these beautiful wooden needles and 3 balls of gorgeous Jo Sharp wool (see photo above) and I think I need to learn a stitch other than purl and basic knit in order to do it justice. So - does anyone out there have some good links to learn to knit websites?


Meredith said...

Hey, it's Meredith, from MDC. Hi!
Anyway, I knit and have used this site many, many times:
Awesome. It has videos and everything. That yarn looks so fun, by the way! Good luck getting through the TWW. :)

Anonymous said...

my very first comment! thanks merideth. heading ver to right now :)

Barb said...

Hey Plump! I was perusing your old info! Lots of fun! :) I knit as well. I just mess with the combinations of knit and purl to get different looks.

I like the "seed stitch" and the "moss stitch." If you google them, they'll come up. I also like stockinette, but i hate how it curls. :(