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Monday, July 30, 2007

Here we go

I've been attempting to start this blog for some time now and have come to the conclusion that you'll just have to put up with the trite introduction that is apparently inevitable. I can't make this stuff sound any better so I'm just going to launch into it.

We're Chips and Ducks. We've been together for 6 years now and have had a ball so far. We've travelled and studied and worked and moved house more times than either of us care to remember. We're not particularly similar but we're pretty great together. I (Chips) am an extrovert. Ducks isn't. Ducks is a talented artist and designer. I'm not. We're both messy but Ducks is definitely messier (she'll try and tell you otherwise but she's deluded). I'm impatient. Ducks has the patience (and tolerance and compassion) of a saint. I'm bossy. Ducks is stubborn. We have 2 cats and a dog - each pet, an addition when my baby-craziness got out of control. Fortunately, there will be no more need to add to the menagerie because in 3 weeks time we start trying to conceive (TTC).

Perhaps I'll share more of the process of getting to the TTC point some time down the track but suffice to say that it hasn't been easy. Fortunately, we now have a wonderful sperm donor who is generous and honest and trustworthy and cooperative and an all round gem really. I still have to pinch myself sometimes because I really can't believe how lucky we got.

3 weeks until the first insemination!

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